Brandon Moore

Graduate Student


Vanderbilt Brain Institute

Wilson Hall 414

Vanderbilt University

111 21st Ave S.

Nashville, TN 37240

phone: 615-322-2141

email:  brandon.moore[at]



M.P.H., Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Tufts University, 2012

B.Sc., Brain and Cognitive Science, MIT, 2009

Awards / Honors

VBI Student Travel Award, 2013/2014

FST Student Travel Award, 2013


Maier, A., Cox, M.A., Dougherty, K., Moore, B. & Leopold, D.A. (2014) Anisotropy of ongoing neural activity in primate visual cortex. Eye and Brain 6(1):113-120

Livingstone, M.S., Pettine, W.W., Shrihasam, K., Moore, B., Morocz, I.A. & Lee, D. (2014) Symbol addition by monkeys: evidence for normalized number coding. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 11(18):6822-6827

Conference Abstracts/Presentations

Moore, B., Cox, M.A., Dougherty, K., Young, M.S. & Maier A. "Resting state correlations in visual cortex reflect fluctuations of cortical arousal." Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2014.

Moore, B., Cox M.A., Dougherty, K., Young, M.S. & Maier A. "Laminar profile of state-dependent visually evoked responses in primate visual cortex." Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2013.

Cox M.A., Moore, B., Dougherty, K., Young, M.S. & Maier A. "LFP coherence as a function of laminar depth and lateral distances in macaque visual cortex." Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2013.

Moore B., Chen, M., Lu, H. & Roe, A. (2013) "Functional architecture of the foveal confluence in macaque visual cortex." VSS

© Vanderbilt University 2014