Kacie Dougherty, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow


Department of Psychology

Wilson Hall 402

Vanderbilt University

111 21st Ave S.

Nashville, TN 37240

phone: 615-322-5527

email:  kacie.dougherty[at]vanderbilt.edu



Ph.D. Neuroscience, Vanderbilt University, 2018

B.S. Neuroscience and Biology, Ursinus College, 2012

Awards / Honors

Pat Burns Memorial Graduate Student Research Award, Vanderbilt, 2017

NEI Vision Training Grant Fellowship 2015

Elsevier/Vision Research Travel Award, Vision Sciences Society 2015

FST Student Travel Award, 2014

Lisa M. Quesenberry Foundation Award, 2013

SfN Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience SOMAS-URM Grant 2010

W.W. Smith Scholar


Dougherty, K., Cox, M.A., Ninomiya, T., Leopold, D.A. & Maier, A. (2015) Ongoing alpha activity in V1 regulates visually driven spiking responses. Cereb Cortex doi:10.1093/cercor/bhv304

Ninomiya, T., Dougherty, K., Godlove, D.C., Schall, J.D. & Maier, A. (2015) Microcircuitry of agranular frontal cortex: contrasting laminar connectivity between occipital and frontal areas. J. Neurophysiol. 113:3242-3255

Maier, A., Cox, M.A., Dougherty, K., Moore, B. & Leopold, D.A. (2014) Anisotropy of ongoing neural activity in primate visual cortex. Eye and Brain 6(10:113-120

Conference Abstracts/Presentations

Westerberg J.A., Cox, M.A., Dougherty, K. and Maier, A. (2017) Pre- vs post-stimulus comparison of correlated spiking variability across V1 laminae. VSS

Dougherty, K., Cox, M.A.,  Westerberg J.A. and Maier, A. (2017) Interocular interactions in macaque LGN. VSS

Westerberg J.A., Cox, M.A., Dougherty, K. and Maier, A. (2017) Layer-specific differences between spontaneous and visually evoked spiking correlations in V1. Cosyne

Dougherty, K., Cox, M.A. & Maier, A. (2016) Interocular gain control in primate LGN. SfN

Cox, M.A., Dougherty, K., Maier, A. (2016) Interocular suppression across the layers of V1. SfN

Dougherty, K., Cox, M.A. & Maier, A. (2016) Binocular modulation of LGN responses in the primate. GRC

Cox, M.A., Dougherty, K., Maier, A. (2016) Interocular suppression in the input layers of V1. GRC

Dougherty, K., Cox, M.A., Leopold, D.A. & Maier, A. "Visual spiking responses in V1 couple to alpha fluctuations in deep layers" Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS), 2015

Ninomiya, T., Dougherty, K., Godlove, D.C., Schall, J.D. & Maier, A. "Microcircuitry of agranular frontal and granular occipital cortex: Testing the generality of the canonical cortical microcircuit with cross-frequency phase-amplitude coupling during resting-state." Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2014

Moore, B., Cox, M.A., Dougherty, K., Young, M.S. & Maier A. "Resting state correlations in visual cortex reflect fluctuations of cortical arousal." Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2014

Dougherty, K., Cox, M.A., Leopold, D.A. & Maier A. "Spiking responses in primary visual cortex are coupled to the alpha phase of infragranular LFP." Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2014.

Dougherty, K., Cox, M.A., Leopold, D.A. & Maier A. "Visually evoked cross-frequency coupling between deep and superficial layers of macaque V1" Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2013.

Cox, M.A., Moore, B., Dougherty, K., Young, M.S. & Maier A. "LFP coherence as a function of laminar depth and lateral distances in macaque visual cortex" Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2013.

Moore, B., Cox, M.A., Dougherty, K., Young, M.S. & Maier A. "Laminar profile of state-dependent visually evoked responses in primate visual cortex" Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2013.

Ninomiya, T., Godlove, D.C., Dougherty, K., Maier A. & Schall, JD. "Laminar cross-frequency coupling in agranular frontal cortex" Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2013.

Weber J., Dougherty K. & Favero C. "Effects of acute prenatal ethanol exposure on axon tract development." 2011 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2011.

Bish, J., Dougherty K., Meeley L.E., Brenner S., Powers C. & Vaidya A. “An elextroencephalographic investigation of automaticity in grapheme-color synesthesia. Association for Psychological Science Convention, Washington, DC. May 2011.

© Vanderbilt University 2017